Safety netting New Zealand


The use of the safety netting in NZ as a fall arrest system is widespread even in the construction of the typical housing where wood is the most common element.

Not for nothing, New Zealand is one of the main countries in the world in the care of the protection for its workers. They are taking into very careful consideration the Safety at Height rules including the safety standards issued by themselves or, in the case of the safety netting, from the European Standard EN1263.1:2014, although they are performing some tests to realistically adjust the latter to their construction works and in a future development of their own standard.

Safety net test facilities in New Zealand

Safety net test facilities in New Zealand

Safety net NZ test facilities

Safety netting test facilities

As the vast majority of the safety nets installed in New Zealand are for residential houses, better known as residential safety nets, they have developed their own anchorage systems, being the nets directly installed to the wooden beams.

This anchorage device is made of alloy and it is installed with screws.

Example of safety net installed in residential housing in NZ.


No matter if you are in Christchurch, Auckland, Wellington or any other city in New Zealand, Visornets as a safety netting manufacturer has got an associated company in NZ for the exclusive distribution throughout the Kiwi area.

Safe Smart Netting New Zealand


PO Box 62, Maungaturoto, Northland, New Zealand 0547
PH. 0800 000 448

Please feel free to contact us to arrange a visit of our partners in NZ.

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